Responsible for the company's logistics work
Implement company's import and export business of each work mission;
Keep contact with customs broker, and prepare the relevant customs clearance data;
Contact freight or logistics company, to transport goods
Make the communication with customer or supplier; keep the goods delivered smoothly;
College degree or above, work experience with relevant professional knowledge in logistics or supply chain management,
- 具备良好的英语读写能力,能够阅读和理解与公司业务相关的英文文件;
Good command of English to read and write, able to read and understand documents in English relevant to the company's business;
- 具备良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神,善于与其他部门的同事沟通合作
Good communication skills and teamwork spirit, good at communicating and cooperating with colleagues in other departments
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